Vahri'a Korla

The Keeper's Finder • Ephemer of Clan Cirka

Melody   Dossier

Name Vahri'a KorlaGender Male (he/him)
Age Early 30sRace Keeper of the Moon
Orientation BisexualOrigin The Black Shroud
Height 5'7"Class Ephemer

Epithets The Keeper's Finder of Clan Cirka, Hunter-scholar, Leader of the Korla Clan

Vahri'a is of quick wit and well-kept secrets, reflecting many faces of the moon. As a Finder for his clan, he's in charge of locating things, places and people — with his myriad skills in research and venery (not that kind) alike. Under his visor is a pair of scrutinising eyes, and beneath that is a deep-seated, ever-bubbling anxiety.

These physical features of his should be noted in addition to his in-game appearance:

  • Unkempt hair, not straight

  • Lopsided ears (when resting)

  • White arcane geometry tattoos on his back & forearms that incorporate moon phase symbols

Leitmotif   Roleplay Hooks

Vahri'a is Clan Cirka's premier finder. The title entails gathering information on things the clan needs: a beast mark to hunt, an old matriarch to speak with, a glade lost to time. The clan is old and storied, and has recently re-opened the doors to its misty settlement for barter; they are happy to loan out Vahri'a's finding for a favour in return.

Being born in the deep fringes and having lived there for a majority of his life, Vahri'a knows the Twelveswood and its beasts like the back of his hand.

Other clans were not fond of the Korla's, as they often stole their fellow Keepers' livestock, hunted from their grounds, and only made allies in the Ixal. Vahri'a continued these traditions and was largely lambasted in huntress circles as a 'nuisance of a patriarch' for his family.

As a bard, Vahri'a collects various miqo'te legends and mythos to retell through oral tradition. If you're looking for story in that realm of expertise of which libraries are often bereft (Gods and their consorts, tribe and clan lines, ancient magics), the Finder can help.

Clan huntresses often seek progenitors for their offspring, but Vahri'a is… not that kind of wanderer, and his matriarch protects his role with strict lines drawn. How might other wanderers feel about this privilege, and how does Vahri'a?

Vahri'a was a very strict instructor at the Arcanist's Guild, commanding private pupils to memorise hefty aetherial theory. Now, his arms are covered in arcane tattoos, and he's performing ancient magic unknown to the modern craft — a versatile, storied arcanist.

Vahri'a spent his late 20's getting embarrassingly drunk at taverns and sleeping around. Now he's a serious hunter, with a title! Do the tracks of that old party animal still remain on the city streets?

Grace Note   Skillset

Vahri'a is a practitioner of EPHEMANCY, a mix of arcanima and astrology unique to Clan Cirka. On a necklace underneath his clothes, he hides a bard job stone. Both histories merge in his blood, creating an unlikely harmony of magics.On his arms and back, Vahri'a is covered in white tattoos of arcanist's geometries that resemble constellations and moon phases, from which he can cast these spells:

From his back, Vahri'a can summon a completely aetherial shortbow and dispel it at will. This bow is configured to play notes every time its string is released. What results is a lyre-like song of syncopated notes and improvised melodies (much like math rock) that can bolster nearby allies depending on what's played.

From his forearms, Vahri'a can create arrows with various properties akin to an arcanist's Ruin spell. These arrows are magical in nature, neutrally aspected. With the right rhythms and calculations, he can modify the arrows to curve, ricochet off of objects, and explode after a certain distance travelled. Thanks to this, he runs on mana rather than ammo.

Using the moon sigils on his shoulders, Vahri'a can create small, flat planes of pure unaspected aether with which he can block attacks and bounce spells off of. They are transparent and barely noticeable to the eye (like thin glass), but they only appear for a fraction of a second before dissipating into the ambient aether.

Other skills:

  • Aetherial theory (particularly with regard to aetherial composition and transfiguration)

  • Academic research (particularly in history)

  • Oral storytelling (both musical and theatrical)

  • Inkwork and artistic impressions of people

  • Singing and playing instruments (the lute and drums)

  • Hunting game and, rudimentarily, tanning leathers

  • Field combat (only when necessary)

  • Dry humour (occasionally with a flavour of awkwardness)

  • Mixing cocktails — oh, bartender!

Rhapsody   story

When Vahri'a was fourteen, his mother (once adventurer, leader of the hunting band, and single parent to twelve children) was killed by a beast of the Shroud. He raised his 12 siblings to poach and steal for survival, only for each to leave clan life in favour of the city-states.As the last to remain Korla, Vahri'a dabbled in urban life for a few years. He studied literacy, dabbled in adventuring, partied like he was an epoch younger than he was, then eventually became a teacher at the Arcanist's Guild. But nothing satisfied him. He always felt one foot in with new life, and one foot out.

He returned to the Shroud to seek his mother's clan, Clan Cirka. Paranoia gripped the Cirkans after generations of trauma, and they subjected Vahri'a to rigorous tests. After he brought one of their own back home to them safe and sound, he was fully welcomed as family in blood and bond.Now, Vahri'a travels across Eorzea fostering allies for his clan and seeking various things for those allegiances. He often returns home to Ataraxia, the clan's territory which resides at the centre of a magical mist within the Shroud. He's a wanderer, but one with a purpose — a finder, always seeking a lodestar.

composer   ooc

Hey, thanks for showing interest in Vahri'a's profile! I'm Danny, a 21+ year old Filipino living in the UK. Read more about me here. A lot of my lore for Vahri'a's clan is based on my own experiences and culture. Except the magic parts, unfortunately.Traditional Keepers of the Moon might know more about Vahri'a's backstory, particularly his clan. If you're interested in this information, please feel free to ask for my Discord in-game so we can plot.I am not interested in ERP, even if Vahri'a is portrayed as promiscuous. Please don't approach me with this intent. If Vahri'a spends the night with another character, we'll fade to black.Click each image for a link to the artist source.